Projects are an iterative process of planning, doing and reviewing. From time to time despite the best intentions projects get into trouble and you have to step in to review what is going wrong and put a new plan in place to deliver a project. With the stop start impact of the Covid pandemic on a range of capital projects it may be necessary to but a new plan in place for a delayed project,
The following outlines a 2-step process to strategically review a project and then once the review is complete to create a turnaround plan to deliver the project. The approach can of course be used as a checklist at the beginning of a project to make sure that all resources are in place to deliver a project and that a robust plan is in place to deliver certainty. projectworkoutv2021.pdf
Now that the dust is settling on the launch of the "Housing For All' programme it is interesting to look at some of the key assumptions that underpin the strategy Supply - High Resourcing Growth RequirementDemand - Net Inward Migration Makes Up Majority of DemandSupply - Increased Output Needs Improved Efficiency As Well As Increased Activity Levels |
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Keogh Consulting looks to help individuals and organisations deliver the right projects the right way. Here is some of our knowledge and a few case studies that we hope will help you on your project journey. Categories
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